
Cambiare Podentes : Invocare and Cambiare Podentes : Madurare, by Jordan Grant.

Great power demands great sacrifice. But how will Harry manage to sacrifice all himself, in irrevocable slavery, to Severus Snape? Warnings : Ambiguous Consent, BDSM, Coercion, Disturbing content, Drug use, Masturbation, Rape / NonCon, Sex, Slavery, Torture, Violence, Partner Betrayal/Infidelity. (But it’s a romance. I swear.)

The Sensible Garden, by RaeWhit.

What if Harry had not been given the entire prophecy by Albus Dumbledore? Years later, forever changed by that second part of the prophecy, Severus and Harry are pulled together again, this time by a common love of flowers and gardens. Part of the Severus Snape/Harry Potter From Dusk till Dawn Fuh-Q-Fest Wave XII Challenge.

My Name is Cameron Sage, by thesewarmstars.

Things are going poorly for the side of the light, and in a last-ditch effort to fulfill his destiny, Harry goes back in time to try again. Time-travel.

The Boy Who Lived A Bit, by Barbarella.

Post-Hogwarts, though the War still rages. Harry is holed up at 12 Grimmauld Place with Lupin as his primary protector. Some of the best distractions in these days are provided by one Severus Snape. Followed by its sequel Care of Magical Teenagers.

Snape : The Home Fries Nazi, by pir8fancier.

When Harry defeats Voldemort, the Death Eaters lose their magic. Snape decamps to the United States, where he becomes a fry cook in a diner. Seven years after Voldemort’s defeat, Harry comes to him for advice.

Lies Beneath the Surface, by Nyx.

Hogwarts is always full of secrets. Unfortunately for Harry and Severus, someone decides to bring their biggest secret to light in a very public way after the war.

Second Best, by RaeWhit.

Two lonely men find each other in an internet chatroom, and ultimately discover that it is, indeed, a small world after all.

The Loveseat, by the_con_cept.

Harry buys a second-hand sofa and gets more than he ever anticipated.

The Fourth Year, by Calligraphy.

Fairly HBP-compliant. Snape lives as Harry Potter’s prisoner (and more or less servant). An unexpected attack changes things. Or have things already been changing?

Until Proven, by Tira Nog.

When Severus Snape is accused of molesting a student in detention, Professor Harry Potter comes to the rescue.

Finder’s Fee Series, by GatewayGirl.

5 short stories or novellas beginning with Finder’s Fee ( In a seventh-year lesson, Severus explains that basilisk scales are nearly unobtainable. Afterwards, when Harry Potter leads him down to Salazar Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets and a fortune in rare magical substances, he sees the opportunity for more immediate pleasures), followed by Spy’s Game (After their encounter in the Chamber of Secrets, Harry finds himself wanting more from Snape. With signs indicating a traitor in the Order, they soon have more to think about than basilisk scales and sex), then Winter’s Sport (Harry and Ron continue to fight about Bill; Snape sneaks Harry off to London for some decadent fun with a side of danger) and concluded by Wizard’s Weapon (Dumbledore does something to Harry’s scar, but no one is sure of the effects. As the war heats up, Harry become more determined to find out….). Auror’s Dilemna is a companion piece, in which action takes place after the first instalments : as an Apprentice Auror, Ron is uncomfortable with Harry’s explanation of what he does — professionally — with Snape. Certainly some of that is likely to be illegal. However, when a serious poaching case lands on his desk, he’s not sure he can trust his judgment. Is he so scandalized that he is assuming guilt unfairly? Or is it the other way round?

Ashes of Armageddon, by Emily Waters.

Dark!Harry, slave!Snape. DarkFic (and I really do mean, dark!). Post-DH, ignores epilogue. Book One : What if Harry never had the King’s Cross experience? Severus Snape survives Nagini’s bite, and wakes up from a coma five years later, only to become enslaved by a very angry, vindictive, and extremely powerful Harry Potter. Book Two : The war is truly over now, and both Harry and Severus Snape have survived the ordeal. But the consequences of the two months spent at Godric’s Hollow are still with them.

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