About me

I am a 31-year-old French woman raising her baby daughter at the moment. And an avid reader of every genre of fiction. And an amateur writer when I have time. That’s all I am going to say about myself because honestly I don’t want to bore you to death.

I solemnly pledge myself to :

1) Read (or re-read) a well-known novel a week and write a review about it, so that I can broaden my literary horizons and improve my own writing – – please note that I know in advance that I’ll surely flounder and flail aroud and epically fail to reach this goal. Just so you know.

2) Read two “modern” novels a month and review them. This objective is slightly more realistic, but not by much.

3) Participate and win NaNoWriMo 2011 – an objective possibly achievable considering I have a nice plot, endearing characters and interesting themes to broach. Hey, I wanted to write a novel since I was twelve ; the fact that I began ten or twenty of them and never ever ever succeed in writing more than a few pages each doesn’t mean I can’t do it.

So… this is it.

A few days later…

Erm, so that wasn’t it, really. Because I realised with dread that I’m not such a fan of the great classic novels. So I guess it’ll be much more probable that I’ll read two classics a month (well, twenty for 2011 as I’m beginning late) and one contemporary a week (so fifty for 2011). To be honest, even with such a change in the objective, I’m still a little unsure that I’ll achieve it, but hey ! I’m willing to try.

A couple of months later…

Yeah, again. My goals are ever changing because, to be completely honest, I’d like to meet them. So, I no longer categorise my novels-to-read by contemporary and classic literature. And 50 new novels a year seem to be an objective quite reasonable. Let’s hope so.

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