Cinder, by Marissa Meyer


Cinder, by Marissa Meyer

Published in 2012 by Macmillan Publishers

Read 27th of September

This is a retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale set in new Beijing, in which Cinder is a mechanic cyborg indentured to a family who adopted her, before her stepfather died of the plague.

It’s science fiction, with androids, cyborgs, new technologies, a Lunar civilisation who wants to bring war on Earth or marry the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth to enslave the human race…

It’s extremely well done, because the parallels between the fairy tale and the story are obvious but both stories are very different. When Cinderella is a slave resigned to her fate who needs the intervention of her fairy godmother to change her destiny, Cinder is a rebel who takes her fate in her own hands. When Cinderella marries the Prince and has a happily ever after, Cinder’s story is just the beginning.

I can’t wait to read the rest of the story in the following books.

My opinion : 4 / 5 for being a fascinating adaptation of a well-known story

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